“Это (ˈɛtə)”
• Short animated films from all over the world.
• Remarkable & extraordinary places
• Animation phenomenon for an experts

ЭТО-FEST 2017: festival is an alloy of short animated films, educational sessions, concerts, exhibitions and performances.

Within August-September 2017 ЭТО-FEST will break out flags of screens and on a few decks will be held professional community polemic meetings with animation films, filmmakers, philosophers and just interested. Good vibes ensured!

Festival target audience - young intellectuals, who work in applied sciences as well as in engineering and art professions; active Petersburgers who follow city cultural life and modern art tendencies.

“Это (ˈɛtə)” is free of charge


ЭТО-FEST was held for the first time in August-September 2016 in Saint-Petersburg.

Festival programme includes short animation works of nominees and laureates of international animation festival contest - some of the films were created in Russia and abroad within last couple of years; some - are already a part of Cultural heritage. Each festival event consists of targeted animation screening and workshop / lecture / etc. on the specific theme with subject expert

Anatoly Prokhorov “Life as a profession”. media critic, film and tv producer, culturologist, psychology practitioner, founder of animation studio “Pilot” (1988), founder of internal work laboratory (1994), Smeshariki studio art director (2003), Lead expert of National Research University - Higher School of Economics (2013) Aleksandr Sekatsky “Metaphysics & Animation”, senior Lecturer in Social philosophy and philosophy of history at SPBGU, candidate of philosophical sciences. Research interests: metaphysics of Lie, a problem of historical time, philosophical spyology, philosophy of temptation, history of sensitivity.

Ovsey Vsv (Tearjitter) - film expert, cinematography theorist

Festival ran in Botanical garden, Peter and Paul Fortress, Borey art gallery, Ziferburg

Animation is a world where nothing is impossible. It means that animation could be applied to any private / professional life sphere. That is why we put ahead a challenging task to investigate connection of animation and different professions. That is why we start to talk about “Это (ˈɛtə)”

Dear friends,

Our animation festival “Это (ˈɛtə)” is about searching of animation language out of screen, but in subjects, professions. So you would be not just a viewer, but will directly participate in its creation.

If you are a part of any professional community (or subject), you are a keen animation goer - send an application and if we will have enough representatives of your sphere we will develop screen running especially for you!

This year within Festival we would like to cover following themes: botany ethnos sea science schycotherapy theater

Apply and follow our updates!

Dear animation film makers!

Our festival is about searching of animation language out of screen, but in subjects, professions.

Language allows us to speak, have dialogue; same with an animation - it is communication between people, between filmmakers’ inward and viewers’ one; between one integrated world and traditional groups; between idea and perception; between profession and art.

Animation it is not just hard uniquely work for narrow circle of professionals and animation goers, it is an opportunity of direct dialogue with one or another subject expert group or profession.

You created a film but can’t relate it to any subject? - Fill in the application and we will support you and find the solution together.

Application process will be open till July 15th, 2017 EOD and then we will choose films that will form our festival programme and send you information letter.

This year within Festival we would like to cover following themes: botany ethnos sea science schycotherapy theater

So, to make “Это (ˈɛtə)” happen we open the application process! Please fill in the application in Russian or English language. Viva Anima!


Aleksey Savinskiy program director

2016 - - “Это (ˈɛtə)” festival programme director
2013 - 2015 - Insomnia festival programme director
2007 - Animation programme director "Anima run TLPT" (Multpokaz pochti teatra);


Kristina Hakova festival coordinator

+7-911-021-37-45, etofest@gmail.com

For all requests: etofest@gmail.com

For Artists: etofest@gmail.com with a mark “Artist”

Support us: etofest@gmail.com with a mark “Support”